Day 540: Once was blind but now I see

Do you ever spot a person walking with a white cane who’s moving so fast and sure-footed that you wonder for a sec if they’re really blind? No? Just me? Okey-dokey then.

The reason I mention this is because today I got off the subway behind a middle-aged man using a white cane who I had trouble keeping up with. He darted across the platform like lightning and headed for the stairs.

Even though he moved quickly, there was no doubt he was at least legally blind so I tried to be mindful of how he was doing on the stairs. (You may be chuckling now, since my clumsy fall last week doesn’t exactly qualify me for emergency rescue work, but I thought I could possible help in some way if need be … okay, you can stop snickering now.)

As we got to the exit, he was even too speedy for me to hold the door open for him, so I held it for a sighted person instead … a good old-fashioned slow poke like myself.

Found money
I’m posting Michael’s comment from “Day 539: Found and Lost” … why? … well, because I can:

So I’m reading into parapsychology because I’m convinced that we are all psychic and it’s just an untapped resource in all of us and I think I’d be really good at it.

So that me going into magic, because I think when I’m really old I could be like a Gandalf type for sure.

So I glance at a book on spellcasting at Chapter’s, and it mentions that if you place all your “found” money in a special, significant box, it’s like a wealth spell or something.

So I have this ’story box’, super nice carved native art made of recycled glass, tells the story of how when the great flood came the Squamish people tied their boats to a mountain and were fed by eagles who dropped salmon down below to ensure their survival, a swag piece from my boss and our company association with the Vancouver Olympics, and decide that’s the one.

(Always super lucky when it comes to finding money, I find it all over the place, bills included.)

So now you have me rethinking leaving it for someone else, but just wavering on that, and looking for my next money find to get the ball rolling, which is different for me because I don’t look, I just find.

So I’m at the gym, site of my previous karmically balanced/unbalanced money finds mentioned on your blog. I’m tossing my armband away and spy what looks like a $50 bill in the waste basket. So I grab it, and of course it’s a stupid ad for something on the back, and I feel like an idiot esp. as it’s in the waste basket and I retrieved it. And I’m sad, really rethinking my life.

Then I found a quarter on the ground thirty seconds later.

I just love writing random comments on your blog.

And I love reading them! Thanks, Michael!

P.S. Ms. Joan Baez. Enjoy!

One thought on “Day 540: Once was blind but now I see

  1. Awww, (blushing with happiness).

    You, know, while we’re on the subject, now that I have the money box, it’s messing me up. Actually looking for money. Spied a penny at a customer site under a desk today and actually wanted to grab it. Was wondering if I lost my touch.

    Then, just before I got home tonight, I found a dime.



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